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Speaker Information


Thank you for considering to be a speaker at Best Practices Ministry Conference.  We know that your time and talents are precious and we appreciate your sharing your best practices in ministry with all those that attend BPM. We are so grateful for all of you and continue to be overwhelmed by your generosity of time and talents in this way. There will be a jotform available to fill out in August 2025.

Below is information about how sessions are chosen and what to expect while you are here.  In addition are the answers to a number of questions you may have about presenting at BPM in a few weeks. Please pay special attention to the dates we need your information and materials. After those dates pass, we will be unable to accommodate additional changes.

We look forward to seeing you all again in February! God’s grace to you in your preparations! If you have any questions or need assistance in the process, please contact Pastor Jeff Schrank


Pastor Jeff Schrank


Important Dates

  • August- Speaker proposal portal opens
  • October – Deadline for speaker and exhibitor proposals 
  • November – voting due
  • February 12 – Speaker Check-in
    • Speakers should check-in for for room assignments and packets.

Selection Process

All applications are collected in our database.  Once the deadline has passed, all early participant registrations will vote on sessions that meet the needs of their community.  We take approximately the top 250 sessions to be presented at BPM.  You will be notified if your session is chosen.

All applications are collected in our database.  Once the deadline has passed, all early participant registrations will vote on sessions that meet the needs of their community.  We take approximately the top 250 sessions to be presented at BPM.  You will be notified if your session is chosen.

Due to space restrictions, we are unable to accommodate every session we receive.  

Not at all!  

Many of our participants choose sessions based on topics that are affecting their community or society as a whole!  These range from mental health, governance, education, social issues, volunteer challenges, international ministry and much more!

Session Speakers are donating their time & talents and are therefore responsible for their own lodging and travel.

Planning Logistics

If you would like to make a change to your session title or description please email Addison Doyle

BPM uses an app to share the information regarding sessions to all participants.  You will be able to make changes to your session information once the app has been published and you create your login information.  Additional features include:

  • Updating pictures
  • Asking session questions
  • Receiving feedback from participants
  • Gathering contact information

There will be tutorials for the app once we are published to navigate and utilize throughout and beyond the conference. Below is more information regarding the BPM app.

Most presentation rooms come with a standard projector with HDMI, PC computer, clicker, and audio recording device.  You are more than welcome to use your own computer, however, you will need to provide any adapters needed for HDMI.  


During the Conference

Day 1– speaker check-in is available at the entrance of the conference

Day 2 & 3– speakers can check-in at the front office.

You are required to check in when you arrive for your presentation.  This ensures that our AV team is ready to assist you and you are able to present.  This is also your opportunity to ask any last-minute questions.
There is also expedited check-in that will be given to those who have provided all information to our session organizers.  You will be notified if you qualify for expedited check-in. 

CCL will not be recording sessions this year.

Once you complete your session, please make sure you leave behind any supplies that were provided.  If you brought a personal device, check the room for your chargers and thumb drives, and be sure to remove the adapter for the clicker you used.  


We are providing opportunity for electronic advertising on our on-campus screens. In addition, there are many ways to advertise and network in-app.

As a speaker, please follow this link for instructions on how to utilize the app for your table.