New Member Class
On Sunday, September 18 beginning at 12:30pm in the Canyon Room we will be offering our New Member Class for anyone interested in becoming a member of Christ Church Lutheran and/or interested in learning about the teachings of the Lutheran Church. Pastor Jeff will present the foundation of our beliefs and at the end of the class attendees may become members if that is their desire. Lunch will be served at 11:30.
We will also be offering our Getting Connected class at 12:30pm in the Upper Room. This class is for all who have attended the New Member Class, recently transferred members from other Lutheran churches and anyone wanting to know more about “getting connected” here at CCL. Pastors Dave and Jeff Tucker will be leading this session. And, lunch will be served at 11:30 in the Canyon Room.
All class materials will be provided at the sessions. To RSVP or for any questions please contact Grace Turney at 602-363-0475 or gturney@cox.net.