Service Opportunities
Looking for a way to connect and make a difference? We have many opportunities to get involved here at church. We are always looking for people who are interested in the following areas:
Serve With Us
Mobile Food Pantry

In partnership with St. Mary’s Food Bank and Waste Not, CCL prepares food boxes for those in need. If you are interested in helping with time or finances, click here for details or please contact Addison Doyle.
Sunday helpers
Sunday morning worship would not be the same without our volunteers! If you have the gift of hospitality, we have opportunities that will get you connected @CCL.
- Altar Guild
- contact Pastor Arnie Frank
- Welcome Center
- Greeters
- Ushers
- contact Addison Doyle
youth group helpers
Youth Group & Family Ministry is always looking for volunteers to assist in a number of events and programs that serve children through young adults.
- Weekly events
- Sunday school
- Children’s church
- contact Addison Doyle
Christ Cares 4 Kids

We always need willing and joyful volunteers at Christ Cares for Kids, during our open house on Mondays and Wednesdays, but also at other times to help cleaning, organizing to get donations ready for the day we are open. Please contact Megan Gotshall for information.
Bags of HOpe Ministry
This ministry reaches out to those living in Senior/Assisted living residences with spiritual cards of hope and encouragement, devotionals, prayer, visits and seasonal gifts.
On Tuesdays we offer a 30-minute Bible study at 10:30am at MorningStar in Arcadia. It is such a joy to study God’s Word with the residents and we are always looking for volunteers to “host” the residents as the arrive and leave the class.
For more information on this ministry, click here, or contact Grace Turney, or 602-363-0475 or Pastor Dave.

Music Ministry
At CCL, we love to “Make a joyful noise unto our Lord!” If you would like to join one of our music ministries, please visit this link to find out what we offer or contact Elena Fox or Jason Mangels for more any questions.

During this difficult time, we are always looking for ways to help those in need within the community. If you are interested in getting involved with ongoing projects, please contact Addison Doyle.
Stephen Ministry
Do you know someone-either you, a relative, or a friend who is hurting and in need of Christian care? The Stephen Ministry Referral Coordinator learns about this need for care-from a pastor, professional church worker, the person, or a friend-always with the person’s permission. The Stephen Minister provides distinctively Christian care for the person in strict confidentiality on a weekly basis. Visit this link to learn more or contact Pastor Arnie Frank for details.
BPM Preparation
As we prepare to welcome over 2000 church workers and teachers to our campus every year, we need help getting our campus ready! If you enjoy cleaning, fixing, or organizing, we welcome your assistance. Please contact Pastor Jeff for more information.