We are excited to open summer camp once again! This will be a summer of fun activities, like arts & crafts, games, Bible time, and water fun! Camp will run from May 27th-July 25th. It is open to children ages 5 and up, (incoming kindergarten- incoming 6th graders). Choose to join us for 1 week or the whole summer. Please note that there are a limited number of spots this year. Click here to register your kiddos for camp!

Summer camp-header


7:30 – Morning care begins

9:00 – Camp Begins – Opening Assembly

9:40 – Cabin Time

10:00 – Morning Snack

10:20 – Bible Study

10:40 – Option One

12:00 – Lunch

12:30 – Option Two

1:15 – Option Three

2:00 – Snack Bar

2:20 – Contests and Closing

3:00 – pickup

3:20 – aftercare begins

5:15 – aftercare ends


Camp is for children who are at least 5 years old and are entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2025 through children who are going into 6th grade in the fall of 2025. Campers will be assigned to groups with children in the same grade and of the same gender.
This dress code applies to everyone (campers, CITs, counselors) at Christ Church-Lutheran Summer Camp. If the dress code is not followed, said person will be asked to change into an appropriate outfit. 
  • You can not have your midriff showing. This is only acceptable on water days. 
  • All shorts, skirts, and dresses must be at an appropriate length. 
  • Any articles of clothing that have inappropriate or offensive wording, images, or logos are not allowed.
Lunch is not provided. Campers need to bring their own lunch in a small cooler or sack. Lunches will be refrigerated. All lunches should be clearly labeled with the camper’s first name, last name, and grade
A morning snack is provided for free. In the afternoon we have a snack bar where campers can purchase items such as juice boxes, fruit snacks, assorted candies, and soda. Most items are $0.50.
Camp is a fun and engaging environment. Items tend to become misplaced or switch hands. In light of this, we request valuables be left at homeELECTRONICS ARE NOT ALLOWED AT CAMP. Gaming devices (including Nintendo Switch), tablets, cell phones, or any other electronic devices will be taken for the day and kept in the church office. If anyone (campers, CITs, counselors) needs to contact home, they can use the phone in the front office. Christ Church-Lutheran and School is not responsible for loss or damage to items brought to camp.
Yes. Morning care starts at 7:30am and is an additional fee of $10 for the entire week. Aftercare goes until 5:15pm and it an additional fee of $20 for the entire week.
No, we do not offer drop-ins. This year there is a cap of 150 campers each week, so get your registration in as soon as possible!
Yes! Each week has a different theme that has special activities that go along with it. There will be a flyer that goes out the week prior with all the information for the upcoming week. In addition, every Wednesday at camp is “Water Day.” Every Week we have special events and themed days like crazy hair day, crazy hat day, dress-up day, etc.

CITs (incoming 7th and 8th graders) and Counselors (high school) are required to attend camp training on May 5th at 6pm. 

Please contact Addison Doyle with any questions.